Thursday, December 30, 2010


So unlike my other posts this is not to talk about that Nolan and I are in a fight, that I'm stressed or that anything else in my life is going wrong. This past semester has made me accept changes as they come when they are out of your control. Instead of just trying to fight it I'm accepting them and trying to better myself as a person because of it. I have gotten the worst grades this semester that I have ever gotten and that I need to face that life is not all about grades. The thing that makes this the hardest is that I will not be able to proceed in SI and that means that I will not be working which I hate and feel bad that my parents need to be paying for things that they shouldn't have to. All my goal is, (as new years approaches) is that I have a better year. This one has definitely showed my strength as a person which I demonstrated years ago. I am going to better myself and that is my main goal. I am just glad that the stresses are almost finally over? One more class needs to post a grade. As much as I am ashamed, I want to find the lesson that I am trying to be taught in this process. I want to appreciate my life for what I have, family, friends, Nolan, a roof on my head and PLENTY of clothes in my closet.

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