Saturday, February 19, 2011

Staying Optimistic...

So Happy New Year.. let's try and get this thing up to date:
January: didn't start out the new year exactly how I would have wanted to, my phone was ruined from someone spilling Joose on it on accident, however I do think 2011 is going to be a good year overall. 2010 was just a reality check on life and really had me try and figure things out from different perspectives. Still did not change the fact I was immature on how I handled the accident of the phone and hence why my glasses are broken as well...
February: Started out good, Nolan got drunk and told me what my valentines day gift was and went downhill from there...just had one of the worst possible things happen last night. Not post worthy. Just it changes things forever. I'm never going to be ok with something like that again...
Yet in a way these events I feel are going to lead to good things at least I hope. I'm trying to keep an optimistic approach on everything I just hope I'm not being stupid about it.
To top it all off, I am just getting very anxious to go to Bangor at this point.
I wish he was here instead of Sangerville...I just can't get through this sadness..

On a good note-I'm going to get new glasses on Monday...